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Perfect Planning While in Pursuing B.Tech to earn


Quickandhra Internet Desk: Yes you can earn while pursuing B.Tech. The World is expanding its branches through browsing. Nothing is secret every opportunity can be utilized. To earn while pursuing Engineering the candidate shall have planning and visionary thoughts. Planning is main thing which show a good impact on the fresher.

Planning: First off all know the platform where you can learn. Most of the students learn job courses after the completion of graduation, that means 4 years he will spend his time for pursuing his graduation and another four years for learning Job oriented courses, totally he use to spend 8 years of his valuable time in learning. A perfect planning will make a candidate to own a company or to lead his life on his own. Here Internet is expanding its Geographical limits day to day as per the survey 75% of the people are spending their time in surfing as E Commerce is also developing itself and expanding its market.

When any Candidate decided to pursue B.tech, any way he have to spend his valuable time for learning in this course he will get a leisure hour at least for an hour a day, if he spend his time wisely he can earn while learning stage.

There are many flat forms now a days providing free content about how to code and how to design a website, including E-Commerce, w3schools.org is one of the best platform to learn the basics of the website design and learning PHP and there are plenty of videos in youtube to which will teach you how to code and design. All that a candidate have to do is to learn as he can and practically implement what he learned. It is better to learn a technical skills prior to completion of  B.Tech.

After that there are listed websites like freelance.com, freelancer.com and some other sites  like odesk which will provide you a platform for a direct access to the client who exactly need a worker with skills. The maximum projects posted in this websites are related to E-Commerce based projects.

Let me explain how it works "A" Person wants to build a website or E-Commerce website or App or sub Web - development issues, after logging into websites like freelance he will post his job requirements along with his budget, "B" a candidate who is qualified in doing such job can bid to that project, if "A" is satisfied with "B" bidding amount, experience, rating and working skills he will assign job to "B" and will give a limitation of time to complete the Project. The payment will be made in half and another half after completing work.

All that you need is to have Skills requirement of the project,Good rating Email account, Valid Phone number and valid address as well as a paypal or any other account to get paid as provided by the platform you choose.

This the way you can earn while you are learning by saving your valuable time. When you develop your skill   automatically you will get paid, without hard work nothing is easy. Planning is more important aspect of every thing you do in your life.

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 Quickandhra Social Media
